If you are planning to transfer to UTTC, you must have your credit hours evaluated by a Teacher Education advisor. The number of credits accepted for transfer cannot exceed 50% of the degree plan. In addition, you must meet the following conditions:
I. Recency Requirement
Professional education courses completed prior to transferring to the UTTC Teacher Education program are evaluated for currency standards; courses taken more than five (5) years ago will not be accepted.
II. Course Sequence Requirement
The courses in the Teacher Education degree plan were specifically designed to build on the competencies met in a previous course. Because of this, some courses that were taken at other institutions may not be considered for transfer even if the course appears to be similar to one offered by the UTTC Teacher Education program.
III. Clinical Practice (Student Teaching)
Student teaching will be permitted only when the following conditions have been satisfied:
- You must be admitted to the UTTC Teacher Education program.
- You must complete all professional teacher education course work (or approved equivalents) as required by the Teacher Education program.
- You must fulfill UTTC’s residency-credit requirements.
- You may have only 2’s and 3’s on your Teacher Education Professional Dispositions tool.
- You must submit a student teaching application the semester before you plan to do your student teaching.
- You must be registered to take the required Praxis II content exams in your area. These exams should be scheduled prior to beginning student teaching, however, you can take them during your student teaching internship.
The specific test numbers can be found under helpful links on the North Dakota Education Standards & Practices Board website. More information about the specific tests will be available in the Teacher Education department.