The Elementary Education degree program has been approved by the North Dakota Education Standards & Practices Board, the organization that approves all teacher education units in the state that prepare candidates for professional licensing.
The outcomes listed below are the unifying element in this conceptual framework and inform the intended outcomes for our candidates. Outcomes are aligned with Teacher Education Core Beliefs, the 4Rs – Relevance, Relatedness, Respect and Responsibility – and the corresponding Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) Standards.
Candidate Outcomes
Content Knowledge and Skills
To provide the content knowledge necessary for effective teaching and learning (Core Beliefs 3 and 5; Relevance, Responsibility; INTASC Standards 4 and 7);
- Demonstrates content area knowledge.
- Demonstrates effective communication skills in reading and writing.
- Synthesizes content effectively from a variety of resources, utilizing professional knowledge to communicate to students
Applications of Pedagogy within Learning Environments
To develop the skills in teaching methodology that allow for the establishment and maintenance of an environment conducive to the learning of all students (Core Beliefs 2 and 3; Relatedness, Respect; INTASC Standards 1, 3, 5, 6, and 8);
A. Lesson Planning & Instruction
- Demonstrates knowledge of developmentally appropriate practice.
- Utilizes appropriate standards in the design of lesson objectives
- Demonstrates ability to design and implement a complete and effective lesson plan in accordance with the instructional objectives of the lesson.
- Demonstrates ability to design and implement effective unit plans.
- Demonstrates ability to identify appropriate short and long-term goals (content, learning goals, core curriculum, whole course, whole year).
- Provides clear directions.
- Demonstrates appropriate and varied instructional strategies when teaching (questioning, wait time, transitions, etc.).
- Demonstrates ability to create and modify lesson plans for differentiated instruction.
- Demonstrates ability to use various formal and informal assessment strategies arising from instructional objectives.
- Demonstrates the ability to apply the resulting assessment data to inform professional practice.
- Provides appropriate rubrics, or other measurements, for assignments.
- Provides appropriate feedback to students.
B. Learning Environments
- Promotes realistic expectations for students’ behavior.
- Encourages students toward self-regulation (acting appropriately without reminders).
- Employs positive classroom climate and provides for student choice and decision making.
- Maintains students’ engagement through effective classroom management techniques.
- Maintains an effcient use of time management (paces lessons appropriately, provides enrichment activities for those who finish early).
- Demonstrates encouragement, respect and rapport with students appropriate for age/grade level, maintaining level of professionalism.
Technology for Teaching and Learning
To use technology as a means of transforming teaching and learning, infusing it across the curricula (Core Belief 5; Relevance, Responsibility; INTASC Standards 1, 2 and 8);
- Demonstrates ability to develop student-centered, technology-rich learning activities.
- Demonstrates ability to incorporate technology into classroom presentations, lesson plans, and other course assignments.
- Demonstrates evidence of ability to transfer knowledge of technology practices from the “college classroom to real-life situations”.
- Demonstrates ability to select and implement technologies relevant to various learning situations, in the college classroom and in schools.
Empowerment, Equity, & Inclusion
To promote a deep respect for diversity demonstrated in candidates’ belief that all students can learn (Core Belief 4; Relatedness, Respect; INTASC Standards 2,5 and 7);
- Models and encourages respect for diverse learning groups.
- Knows and is able to address issues of diversity.
- Demonstrates a knowledge of and commitment to adhere to the North Dakota Code of Professional Conduct for Educators to guide practice and professional interactions.
- Demonstrates ability to adapt learning to diverse populations of learners.
Reflective Practice
To encourage reflective practice as a means by which professional educators continually improve the teaching and learning process (Core Beliefs 1 and 2; Relevance, Responsibility; INTASC Standards 6 and 9); and
- Considers and utilizes feedback on performance to improve lessons.
- Demonstrates evidence of self-evaluation to monitor and improve performance.
- Collaborates with others to reflect on, plan, and improve instruction.
- Displays appropriate decision-making in a professional setting.
Professional Partnerships
To develop effective communication and collaboration skills so that viable partnerships between colleagues, students, and families can be nurtured (Core Beliefs 1 and 4; Relatedness, Respect, Responsibility; INTASC Standards 7, 9 and 10).
- Demonstrates professionalism through a willingness and ability to collaborate with faculty and staff.
- Demonstrates professionalism through a willingness and ability to collaborate with families, and non-school based organizations.
- Models professional appearance and demeanor.
- Demonstrates a positive attitude toward teaching and working with children.
- Demonstrates self-confidence and emotional maturity.
- Accepts responsibilities for all aspects of school-related activities.
- Exhibits dispositions expected of a professional educator.